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About Me

Journalist-cum-Lawyer from Mwanza


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Day three training was about: The use of internet in journalistic work

Day three training was about: The use of internet in journalistic work

We discussed on how Internet can be used as a working tool for Journalists.So our trainer took us through different News sources, where we saw how people's contacts, press releases, other media, can be found in websites.

Our class also ventured on how internet has changed Journalists' way of performing their works We found that internet has brought about a multiplied number of information potential sources.
href="">Mr Peik
took us through global source of news, whereby he explained about how to search for facts or background, search for the people and facts editing, security copy and grammar-remote access (even if your soft copy tool has misbehaved you can always go back to the copy in an e-mail to recover it).

He emphasized on how internet has made it fast for people to communicate whatever messages and data files, interviews and correspondence they want to do.
We discussed about different Websites that are sources of news like Reuters; mail guardian, awda and Hiilaa news (Somali newspapers) The British Guardian (,

Our class also studied about e- mail communication skills.
Our trainer gave us some good ways of communicating through e-mail. Firstly he said,
One has to think before he/she writes, and not when you write

Secondly, the message should be short, precise and clear and he suggested the use of text/plain format. Moreover, Mr Peik said that when writing, breaking the message into short paragraphs (one topic one para), and leaving blank space between those paragraphs makes the text more easy to read.

He said to avoid some difficult for one to comprehend, one has to write proper sentences, use correct language, use full stop and commas when needed and to choose appropriate subject line (what is the message all about). Similarly, he cautioned participants to always think twice before whenever they send their e-mails. We were given some websites for more browsings like,, Heinz Tschabitscher: TOP 10 MOST IMPORTANT,, ID=19937&URL DO=DO TOPI&URL SECTION=201. html,frican literature writers, africalite, African studies on internet. You can find books, articles and journals,Author me=If you want 2 publish an article, and you control then F you can find any language,Journalistic research via Internet and Mike Ward: Journalism Online,p.70’.


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